As reposted from the Shapeshifters message board.
Video of a recent Existereo and Awol One show at the Noveau Casino in France
(huge file -- unzipped it's 692,503 KB -- 80 minutes long)
The download is rather difficult to figure out, but I eventually got it to work . Dope show, also featuring Biru, Drunken Immortalz and Tekilatex (from TTC, France).
Below are some very basic instructions:
If you don't have win rar download it now. It should be at the bottom of the page. Download all of the individual rar files (Awol One & Existereo.part01 - through- 048) in to one folder (just right click and save). Make sure you've downloaded all of the rar's or it won't work when you ty to unzip it Now, double click the Awol One & Existereo.part01.rar. This should bring up a Winrar prompt and a file should show. Highlight the file, and then click "Extract to." Extract file to a directory on your computer that will be easy to find. Desktop is a good one. Then let it unzip itself. The watchable file should now be in whatever directory you directed it to. It is in wmv format.
Note: I'm pretty sure there is an easier way than individually right-clicking each link that involves Flash Get, but I'm not sure how to do it. If you do e-mail me here or leave a comment and I'll share the info.