Elion Paz - Dust and Grooves [a better blog about records]

Elion Paz has created something really special with his new Dust and Grooves blog. As one might imagine the blog is devoted to the fine passion of discovering new music, specifically records. What set's Paz' blog apart from the pack is his attention to detail.
He focuses on everything that *I* as a serious music lover cares about. From the excellent black and white photography, to the in depth questions, to actual sound clips of the records discussed, the interviews unfold organically. Check out his first few interviews including a notable one with Cosmo Baker. It feels like your sitting down with a friend to chop it up about your favorite records. Dust and Grooves raises the bar on what a blog is capable of doing and inspires us to do better.
On a semi -related note, Borders Windward Mall is finally carrying copies of Wax Poetics. I've been asking them about it for over a year now, and I finally saw issues 32/33 in the flesh as I was perusing the shelves. Nice!
Dust and Grooves