Tina Fey as Sara Palin [video]
Here's a good/full version of the skit, featuring Tina Fey as Sara Palin and Amy Poeler as Hilary Clinton.
Regardless of your personal opinions on social issues (we can agree to disagree, and still attempt to respect each others beliefs) I find it scary to think a that many conservatives are willing to suspend common sense when it comes to Palin.
Facts. She doesn't believe global warming is real. She doesn't know what the "Bush Doctrine" is. She was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party which since the 70's has been pushing to secede from the rest of the United States. This is just the tip of the iceberg and I won't bother to go through her questionable/hypocritical stances on social issues here.
But I must say this.. Expecting that she should be handled with kid gloves, just because she's a woman, plays in to the very stereotypes professional women have been attempting to shake off for years. Painting her as the victim when she is confronted with tough, fair, serious questions also ridiculous. You can't have it both ways.
Please exercise your right to vote. I am positive that the youth vote (or lack thereof) will be the deciding factor during this election season.