Cities of the Underworld: San Francisco [streaming]

We caught the tail end of "Cities of the Underworld" on the History Channel the other night, and I've been dying to see the rest of the show ever since. The episode in question focused on the city of San Francisco, Alcatraz, the infamous Suicide club, and the Chinatown tunnels. Luckily as I was about to post this I saw that the History Channel streams all new episodes on it's site!
"Cities of the Underworld" is my new favorite show and works on a fascinating premise.
"Skyscrapers loom overhead, taxis honk their horns and street vendors shout as they peddle their wares. But the buzz of the city above is nothing compared to the powerful pull of the past and the amazing secrets simmering just beneath one's feet! We travelled hundreds of feet beneath the pavement to reveal hidden worlds that literally make up the foundations of today's greatest cities.
Engineers, architects, and archaeologists leave the metropolitan chaos behind to travel deep beneath the city streets into the meandering tunnels, abandoned subway lines, hidden water supplies, dank dungeons, eerie tombs, clandestine hideouts, and forgotten cities that have been lost to the hands of time (or purposely hidden for more sinister reasons...). "
Watch the San Francisco Episode here
Forum about the SF episode with interesting info here
Labels: cities of the underworld, san francisco
my brother n me used 2 search sewers 4 hidden ??????? still occathionaly. if ever a exploritory group goes in n under we would be honored too join,one tunnel top union st over wall under sewer grade, is a fun one
for a exploration group call me id enjoy the whole adventure under our great city 415 235 8320
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