Joe Dub - Live in 75 / 75 Percent Vinyl Audiocast

p-minus, joe, deeskee
Check out this perfect cross section Joe's music, old and new, presented by Chris Velasco over at Grandgood. I love the fact that lesser known songs were given shine and the way the whole thing was put together.
By next week "Live in 75" should be available everywhere. The previously unreleased title track is featured at the end of the mix. Please support!
This audiocast features a mix of old Joe Dub [Young Joseph] songs that I like to play in the summer time, plus the track Live in 75 off the new Joe Dub album of the same name - Live in 75. Producer Factor handles most of the music for this album and Joe showcases a different sound from previous work. His most recent solo album (Joe’s old group San Francisco Street Music probably deserves its own post) from 2003 The Walk is my favorite piece of hip hop vinyl to come out this decade and the type of west coast rap that I wish played on the radio (…and Crooked I). This audiocast/mix features 2 songs from that album plus songs from his Summer Fling LP including Sabado Gigante with Megabusive which is really fun. The disgustingly underrated producer and engineer Deeskee did beats for a lot of Joe’s finest music but Joe Dub is probably the best producer who rocks the mic from San Francisco (who currently lives in Hawaii). This audiocast was made using 75% vinyl. Live In 75 is available this month via Side Road Records and features Awol One, Kirby Dominant, Mestizo, Ellay Khule, DJ Marz, Kay the Aquanaut, and more. Link (Good looks Lauren!)
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The Truth - from the walk LP
Speakeasy - from the walk LP
Electricity - beat by Deeskee (Record Players 2002/2003)
Sabado Gigante - featuring Megabusive, Summer Fling LP
95 - from the super rare Easy Rider 7inch with Eddie K and Dj Marz
Naybody - beat by Deeskee
Getting By - featuring Subtitle, Raj and Existereo who tears up that last verse
In Case you Didnt Know - produced by Math
Live in 75 - Produced by Factor
grand good post
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Labels: joe dub and factor, live in 75, mix, sideroad records
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